March 8, 2018


Project: Faesibilty Analyseess for ADAMA (Abanian Dairy & Meat Association) Objective: To review the feasibility and viability of ADAMA as a self-sustaining association, and also to assist the management and the board to develop strategic activities that would enhance the long-term sustainability of the association. Project Implementation: The feasibility Studypresents the results of the first […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Social service center for vulnerable groups and establishment of necessary infrastructure to provide services, premises and human capacities” Objectives: Establishment of proper sites within the municipality property for social services. Raising the opportunities for employment, education and qualification of young peoples and women in need in order to integrate them in normal life. Creating […]
March 8, 2018


Project “Sustainable and Integrated Development of the Tirana-Durres Region” (SIDTDR). Tirana Regional Development Agency has conducted a project which had 4 components such as: (i) a survey of 220 households, (ii) 60 businesses and (iii) 24 stakeholders of Tirana & Durresi area, (iv) and organized 24 focus group discussions with municipality and communes in order […]


March 13, 2018


Project: “Corporate Social Responsibility 2007” as part of the South East Europe Initiatives Under Stability Pact. First Part of the project Objectives: Corporate Social Responsibility states that a sustainable business can only be achieved if social and environmental aspects are considered and implemented into business activities. Project Implementation:CSR is an instrument which makes an economical […]
March 8, 2018


Involved in “Preparation of the Cross Cutting Regional Development Strategy of Tirana Qark”. Objectives: Contribution in the drafting of the strategy with the inputs from private sector, line Ministries and Local Government as well as Civil Society. Tirana RDA on behalf of RDA Network was the member of the Partnership of National Council for Regional […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Institutional Development of Mountain Areas” Objective: The scope of work was to support the establishment of the mountain areas development forums in cities of Tropoje, Puke, Mat, Skrapar & Gjirokaster and raise the institutional capacity building of the existing mountain areas forums of Korce, Permet, Librazhd, Berat, Diber, Kukes & Mirdita cities. Project implementation: […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Validation of Barriers that hinder the development of the Business Sector in Albania”. Objectives: Gathering of perceptions and experiences about the reality Albanians face regarding the following topics: Incorporation and registration, Licenses that allows operating legally the business. Renewals and inspections, Tax and labor compliance, Contracting with the State, Import and Export procedures, Enforcement […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Validation of Barriers that hinder the development of the Tourism, Leather & Shoes, Agro – Industry sector in Albania in Shkodra & Lezha, Tirana & Durres areas. Objectives: Gathering of perceptions about the reality Albanians face when trying to start and run a business in the agro-industry sector, tourism, textile complying with all the […]


March 8, 2018


Project: Training Programme “Business Planning” and Coaching of selected Training Service Centers on writing their Strategic Business Plans. Objective: Aassess the TSC viability as sustainable entities for the nearest future and assist them in writing strategic business plans that gets results. Project Implementation:It was conducted a field assessment as an effective mean in identifying the […]
March 8, 2018


Project: Process of Budgeting with participatory planning Objectives: Increasing of the transparency in decision making process of municipality elected people and improving of the information (simplified and understandable for the broad public, municipality council, business etc.) Project Implementation: The project has supported and trained municipality staff related to core issues such as: sharing and publication […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Measuring of the performance of services that the local government provides to its community in compliance with the previously-established strategies and objectives as a primary effective means future improvement in addressing specific problems arising from the community’s participation in decision-making”. Objectives: To measure citizens’ satisfaction on the quality and variety of services obtained from […]


March 13, 2018


Project: “Baseline Study” Objective: The objective of the Baseline Study/Survey was to provide the basis for future quantitative and qualitative assessment of the progresses and issues confronting the SDRMA achieving the Programme’s expected development outputs, effects and impacts. Project implementation: The Baseline Study/Survey has provided MADA, MAFF and other interested institutions a “snapshot picture” of […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “ Capacity building of local stakeholders of Gjirokastra & Saranda Region on drafting of the project application to IPA – EU” Objective: Assessment of the main region priorities to implement strategies and policies supported by measurable results & objectives to apply for IPA funds. Fostering of the capacities of local institutions through a combined […]
March 8, 2018


Transnational Action against Child Trafficking Project: “Income generating support for roma people in Elbasani area” NRDA in cooperation with TACT and Opportunity Albania Provide income generating support to TACT (Transnational Action Against Child Trafficking) beneficiaries. Objective: To improve economic situation of roma people of Elbasani and Durresi cities, to reduce their independence on charity and […]