2002 – 2005

March 8, 2018


Project:“Training needs analyses for private sector and potential isntitutions/trainers as service providers in two selected regions of Albania, Elbasani and Korca” Objectives:The Project aim was the conduction of a training need analyses in South East Albania, the designing of a list of appropriate training modules for micro enterprises, SME-s, large companies divided in groups based […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Working for Fiscal Education of Business and Public through training and skills development” Objectives: Evaluate the needs for professional knowledge from business community; Organize and deliver training on fiscal system, legal aspects concerning it, and administrative procedures followed by tax officers; Create awareness of professional expertise while dealing with administration; Establish to the business […]
March 8, 2018


Project: EPPA-“ Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment” Objective; Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment (EPPA) within the cities of Kukes, Shkodra, Tirana, Vlora and Elbasan .Tirana RDA has carried on two times for years 2002 and 2003 the with the aim of assisting the OECD & EBRD seniors/representatives on producing independent and comprehensive assessments on an annual basis […]
March 8, 2018


Project:Supporting SME-s and SME Managers in Albania – National SME Survey Objective: Based on the terms of reference provided by ETF, the aim of the project was to establish an efficient SME information system Interactive Database based upon INSTAT statistics, data channeled through the Ministry of Economy and Trade. This database will include updated quantitative […]
March 8, 2018


Project: Employment & entrepreneurship promotion through training & skills development in Bathore area. Objective: Contribution for the productivity increase and the labor market employment in the region through training, activity promotion to create some small business; Effective lobbing to encourage closer cooperation between the local authority and the other institutions for designing supporting programs for […]
March 8, 2018


Project: Small Business & Credit Assistance for SMEs. RDA Tirana and its Network have served as main local partners for the SBCA/USAID project during 2002-2007. Objectives: Defining of the priority sector needs based on the region visions and conducting of different market studies for a set of economic sectors for SBCA a project of USAID […]