March 8, 2018


Project:“Working for youth &women’s entrepreneurship through training & skills development in Albania” Objective: The aim of the project was to assist women and young female graduates in the selected regions of Albania to develop their individual capacities for running a business, through formal and non-formal training and practical work experience. Project Implementation: The project had […]
March 8, 2018


Project “Progress through partnership” Objective:Strengthening of capacities of the Social Economic Development Office of Municipality of Elbasan, business associations, chamber of commerce and other central and local stakeholders in improving business climate through the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a joint effort medium term programme Project Implementation: It was designed a medium term programme […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Analyses of Donor Cooperation in Albania” Objective: The aim of the study was to provide the current situation of donor cooperation relating to three target areas: VET, Public administration and economic/ SME skills development–s in Albania as well as project implemented in regional initiatives, including the Stability Pact, created after the Kosovo crisis to […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Economic Study of Tirana –Durresi region” Objective:This project intended to provide a range of forecasts for the population, economy and income of Greater Tirana, to the year 2012. The principal purpose of these projections is (a) to provide a framework within which the Preliminary Structure Plan may be updated, and (b) to provide estimates […]