March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

Project “Progress through partnership”
Objective:Strengthening of capacities of the Social Economic Development Office of Municipality of Elbasan, business associations, chamber of commerce and other central and local stakeholders in improving business climate through the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a joint effort medium term programme
Project Implementation: It was designed a medium term programme of improving business climate by business climate planning commission, which was made up of business people, business associations representatives, banks, tax offices, university, media and local government; Was provided capacity building of the office of economic development of the Municipality of Elbasan in implementing and monitoring of afore mentioned programme. A planning commission was established and it designed over a two month period a business climate improvement programme which is under implementation by the office of economic development which was trained and technically assisted over three months by the Network of RDAs.
Partners: Elbasan RDA and Tirana RDA, Municipality of Elbasan.