November 19, 2020

RISI Albania

Project: Business development services for rural entrepreneurs Objective:  Help agribusinesses to increase their absorption rate of IPARD and national grant schemes and access to finance as a first step towards investment and job creation through the services of Tirana RDA. Pilot a sustainable model for TIRANA RDA to offer improved and innovative services to agribusinesses. […]
November 19, 2020


Lead Partner:  RDA Partner: Balance Donor:  GIZ – WV, DA & SHKEJ Year: 2019-2020 Project background: Consortium of Regional Development Agency of Tirana and Balance run the project “Capacity Building on business competencies and skills for self-employment.” Implementation: The team of experts provides a full range of professional training services (based on CEFE methodology), since […]
November 19, 2020

RISI Albania

Project: Implementation of Alberghi Diffusi model in Albania: Assessment phase – Consultancy for drafting the business plan for the selected village of Dhoksat-Gjirokaster Year: December 2019 – March 2020 Objective: Developing a business plan for one selected village, that will be piloted as the first Alberghi Diffusi model in Albania. Expected outputs: Supporting of the […]