March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

Project: “Analyses of Donor Cooperation in Albania”
Objective: The aim of the study was to provide the current situation of donor cooperation relating to three target areas: VET, Public administration and economic/ SME skills development–s in Albania as well as project implemented in regional initiatives, including the Stability Pact, created after the Kosovo crisis to achieve peace and prosperity and reinforce democracy and human rights in the Balkans.
Project implementation: The study has indicated that through donor programs and cooperation, if based on a comparison made between the results and the analyses of third and fourth quarter of 2001, the country’s economic situation was estimated to have developed at lower rates during the second and third quarter of the year 2002.
The economic development in Albania is mainly supported by some specialized International Finance Institutions (IFI), such as the World Bank group (WB and IFC), EBRD or by some big bilateral or multi-lateral donors such as USAID, Germany and Italy.(See the Annexes for more details).
Partners: Tirana RDA and its network, National Observatory of ETF in Tirana.