Project: Employment & entrepreneurship promotion through training & skills development in Bathore area.
Objective: Contribution for the productivity increase and the labor market employment in the region through training, activity promotion to create some small business; Effective lobbing to encourage closer cooperation between the local authority and the other institutions for designing supporting programs for this category of the people (participants in this program.
Project Implementation: Bathore area has the highest unemployment percentage in Tirana. For this reason, the private entrepreneurship development is an important component in the local and national economy. The project has passed through this actions: evaluation of a needs and assessment of the target group included in the project; encouraged the employment, education and qualification of the young people aiming to their integration in the normal life and the incomes increase; offered knowledge and advice in managerial skills; organization of training and services and other forms of support to motivate unemployed people to develop their business ideas through the capability development in these directions; direct assistancefor the potential individuals in “how to take e credit from the micro credit institutions, specially created in this region; created a local database with the unemployed people, business persons, potentials for credit, qualified potentials job seekers; etc;100-120 young people were trained in different fields. About 36 persons have taken place in the practical training to the garment and shoe enterprises.About 12 direct beneficiaries of this project were employed in the above-mentioned enterprises.
Partners:Tirana RDA, Branche Office of CoPLan in Bathore area