March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

Project: Small Business & Credit Assistance for SMEs. RDA Tirana and its Network have served as main local partners for the SBCA/USAID project during 2002-2007.
Objectives: Defining of the priority sector needs based on the region visions and conducting of different market studies for a set of economic sectors for SBCA a project of USAID run by Chemonics International.
Project Implementation: The project was focused primarily on the following strategic results such as: (i) Small and medium enterprise development; (ii) Business technical skills improvement; (iii) Business financial planning skills improvement; (iv) Non-bank financing; (v) Bank credit. The RDA network has worked with SBCA to provide two of these components: business training and business counseling. It was created a database of 3,700 clients to which RDA network has served with consulting & training activities.
Partners: RDA Network, PSHM, Development offices within Municipalities, Business Communities etc.