
CDG (Carl Duisberg Gesellshaft), Germany
March 13, 2018
March 13, 2018

Project: “Corporate Social Responsibility 2007” as part of the South East Europe Initiatives Under Stability Pact. First Part of the project
Objectives: Corporate Social Responsibility states that a sustainable business can only be achieved if social and environmental aspects are considered and implemented into business activities.
Project Implementation:CSR is an instrument which makes an economical success possible and generates a win-win-situation for all involved stakeholders; a sustainable management approach; striving for financial excellence; integration of needs of shareholders, stakeholders, society and environment to business operations. There were invited Albanian companies to apply for the Award 2007 and the application process was opened. The first step was to fulfill the questioners to the companies. All application materials and provided data had strictly confidential available to the CSR Award Jury that had assessed the applications. It was prepared a list of 500 companies, have been send questionnaires to 400 of them by e-mail; Use of RDA network was fully efficient to inform and attract companies geographically to participate within CSR program. The next step was the establishment of the jury. In parallel were made the company applications on web. At the final event the Ceremony of CSR awards have been given 5 awards for large enterprises and 5 awards for the SME-s. There were organized PRactivities for the program such as participation in Global Compact workshop organized by UNDP and Economic Faculty of Tirana University to promote CSR in Albania, publishing the CSR project/results/concept/workshop in Albania at Monitor Magazine the best economic magazine in Albania; CSR articles and awareness to business trainings in Tirana and regions for CSR (giving some floor to RDA trainers to promote CSR ); radio emission at Tirana Radio (2 emissions for CSR) etc.
Partners: Tirana RDA, InWent & Iltis Germany, Basme Macedonia, Serbia Chamber of Commerce, B & Herzegovina Chamber.