March 13, 2018
March 13, 2018

Project: “Baseline Study”
Objective: The objective of the Baseline Study/Survey was to provide the basis for future quantitative and qualitative assessment of the progresses and issues confronting the SDRMA achieving the Programme’s expected development outputs, effects and impacts.
Project implementation: The Baseline Study/Survey has provided MADA, MAFF and other interested institutions a “snapshot picture” of the current situation of the rural households living in the MADA area. The results of the survey shall serve as a good base to define the future requests for special and diagnostic studies in the Programme implementation area, command and implementation. The survey targeted the mountain areas of 21 districts/four regions where SDRMA is engaged in local economic and enterprise development: Korca region, Shkodra region, Gjirokastra region and Mat region. The survey also took into account the gender partition of the business sector, and its related gender gap, by thus being able to add a gender-disaggregated perspective to the overall situation of the surveyed regions. The study report lays out the main findings of the survey related to 600 MSME-s and 900 HH-s, with particular attention in the survey to issues related to small-scale economic infrastructure and availability of up-to date agricultural technologies andcombined with the overall data collected and a comprehensive set of issues and features as follow
Partners: Tirana RDA and its Network of sister RDA-s