March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

Project: Process of Budgeting with participatory planning
Objectives: Increasing of the transparency in decision making process of municipality elected people and improving of the information (simplified and understandable for the broad public, municipality council, business etc.)
Project Implementation: The project has supported and trained municipality staff related to core issues such as: sharing and publication of the information for the public; Increasing the efficiency by establishment of the output indicators (cost/unit) and determination of the objectives to reduce costs of services cost/unit; increasing the effectiveness by establishment of the outcome indicators and creating of the linkage of the strategic objectives with the steps and projects taken; improving the communication through organization of the common working groups between municipality staff, municipality council, stakeholders, and citizens and organization of the public hearings and receiving of the feedback from citizens; increasing the capacities of the staff of municipality by learning through practice and training for the staff responsible for monitoring of strategy, increasing of the skills in preparation of the reports, projects, and annual budget (process and document).
Partners: RDA Tirana, RDA Fieri, RDA Korca