March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

Project: Faesibilty Analyseess for ADAMA (Abanian Dairy & Meat Association)
Objective: To review the feasibility and viability of ADAMA as a self-sustaining association, and also to assist the management and the board to develop strategic activities that would enhance the long-term sustainability of the association.
Project Implementation: The feasibility Studypresents the results of the first part of this project, i.e. the assessment of the feasibility and viability of ADAMA as a self-sustaining association. It was assessed the feasibility and viability of ADAMA as an independent and self-sustaining association in dairy support sector in Albania. It was made a review of the ADAMA staff and organization, its present and future membership structure and their needs and requirements for services; the overall financial situation and the assets and equipment at its disposition. The feasibility study has given answers to the main self organization problems such as: identification of the critical factors for the success and overall viability of ADAMA as a financially self-sustaining organization; assessed the existing resources of ADAMA against these critical success factors; evaluateed the extent that additional resources needed to be developed or acquired to fulfill the needs identified, and the ability of ADAMA to fulfill these requirements; assessed the potential of both existing and future services that can be offered by ADAMA and its laboratory; performed financial forecasts under various scenarios of expected revenues and costs; made an assessment of the viability of the individual services offered by ADAMA and of ADAMA itself as a self-sustaining institution; made recommendations to the management and Board of Directors of ADAMA based on the analyses performed as part of this task
Partners: Tirana RDA, Pavli Kisi