2002 – 2005

March 8, 2018


Project: “Monitoring and Evaluation of the local projects implemented by ADF” (Albanian Development Fund) on rural areas in Tirana district such as roads, bridges, public buildings etc. Objectives: Analyzing and identifying the direct information about the impact of the WB project implementation and results. Partners: ISB, Tirana RDA, Communes of Zall Dajt, Zall Bastar, Shupal, […]
March 8, 2018


Project:Tourismindustryasan opportunityfor asustainable economic andsocialdevelopmentofVlora region Objective:The objective of the project was: (i) toidentifyandtraintourismbusinessesof Vlora & Saranda areas that might serveasmodels ofthe tourism industryinsouth-western coastof Albania; (ii) Identifythe number ofhotelsandbarsthatare incooperationwithtouristagenciesand what impact has the applicationof thismutually beneficialinitiative. Project Implementation: It was conducted a survey witha sampleof 60tourismbusinesses. There were designed 6 trainingcurricula’s in2packagesaiming the […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Market Study of Construction Sector in Albania” Objective: The impact of the construction sector in the local economy. of the country A general overview of the sector and its evolution and needs during the recent, also the investment programs or plans for development of the Government for 2005 and beyond. Project Implementation:A set of […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Trade Liberalization & Promotion Project” Objectives: Identify and prioritize exporter’s needs regarding pro-export services. Project implementation: There were designed and ddistributed the questionnaires to 250 selected exporters. Were made some follow up activities by telephone or face to face with respondents to ensure the completion of questionnaires and the tabulation of the results. There […]
March 8, 2018


Project: “Trade Liberalization & Promotion Project” Objective:. Establish a competitive and quality supportive framework for business service providers in order to ensure a consistent upgrade of their quality, which should subsequently benefit and contribute to the approximation of business management performance to the regional and EU Standard. Project implementation:Was drafted a study on establishment of […]
March 8, 2018

ILTIS GbmH Germany

Process: Process Performance Change Program” in Balkan Countries (2005) Objective: Establishing bilateral co-operations in the region and/or the European Union: First phase: Implementation of PPC II – Enhancing core competencies and internal processes of companies. Second phase (planned for 2005): Realization of co-operations with German companies – Presentation of products and services at a German […]