Project: “Trade Liberalization & Promotion Project”
Objectives: Identify and prioritize exporter’s needs regarding pro-export services.
Project implementation: There were designed and ddistributed the questionnaires to 250 selected exporters. Were made some follow up activities by telephone or face to face with respondents to ensure the completion of questionnaires and the tabulation of the results. There were organized three focus groups in Tirana/Durres area to test the survey results and to gain additional qualitative data. It was prepared the final report on the findings of the survey.
Results and outputs: It is in use an updated database of 250 exporting companies from different sectors such as: textile, leather and shoes, industry, wood processing, agro industry including drinks, oil, medicinal plants, fish, fruit and vegetables, meat and eggs, honey, etc. There were identified the main export priorities based on survey findings and key export services and type of support that would be helpful in generating increased export actions
Partners: Tirana RDA, ALB INVEST, Private Companies, Representatives of