Tirana RDA has a rich experience in carrying out market studies. During 19 years of its life the RDA, based on cooperation with donor programs, local organizations, private companies etc, has analyzed/assessed different sectors, markets, products and services. Most of such studies are re-produced/re-assesed based on requests by companies/banks or individuals. Please contact RDA for copies of such studies or coherent information regarding specific segments/markets and products.

Note: If you click on the link you will see few pages from the document, if you are interested to see full version please do not hesitate to contact us.

Programi i Përkujdesjeve ditore për periudhën 2001-2004
Studimi i Peshkut, date 23 Qershor
Studimi i hekurit ne Shqiperi, Mars 2003http://rdatirana.al/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DAZK-Studimlate.pdf
PB & Studim Tregu MBM
Analize e shperndarjes se produkteve ushqimore, ne vecanti te produkteve italiane, 2 shkurt 2013
Studim mbi Thase Letra e qese, Mars 2011
Studim tregu i tubave te polietilenit dhe aksesoreve te tyre, DAULLJA shpk, Qershor 09
Studim tregu fari-complete
Studim tregu komplekseve sportive
Studim Tregu FORDI
Studim tregu inputeve ne Shqiperi+fig
Studim tregu Interbrand
Studim Tregu Vere Vreshta, 15korrik 2014
Studim i tregut te ndertimeve te banesave ne qytetin e Shkodres
Studim tregu per produktet e perpunimit te domates ne Shqiperi, 26 Qershor
Studimi i sektorit te ndertimit
Studimi i tregut te fermave te lopeve
Studim per shkollat jo publike
Studimi i Plastikes, Qershor 2007