OSCE & Embassy of Canada

March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

Project:CSR practices and challenges of extractive companies in Albania.
Objective: Preparation of a situation analysis report regarding the status of CSR in the extractive industries. The report is prepared by two local experts and covered the major extractive (oil and gas and mining, cement and hydro) companies operating in Albania
Project Implementation: The research was accomplished by following the methodology of work as described below: conducting desk research, drafting questionnaires, preparing sample of the interviewees, one to one meetings and interviews, data collection and report writing.

The research showed that it is obvious that Albania has taken the first steps towards embracing initial CSR practices. Since Albania is part of the processes related to globalization and EU Integration, CSR becomes of a paramount importance. Furthermore, the implementation of CSR standards serve as a means to create competitive advantage to Albanian businesses both regionally and at the wider European market in addition to better company’ image, risk management and increased value.
The consultants conducted a number of site visits and held meetings with the business representatives from the aimed sectors of extractive industries as well as the relevant stakeholders and NGOs. The main issues covered during the interviews involved:

  1. Brief history and activity of the company
  2. CSR impact and achievements in relation to staff, community and environment
  3. Cooperation with LGUs, Central Government and NGOs
  4. Problems faced
  5. Future Plans

The findings showed that almost all companies are responsible to three main pillars of the CSR policy and actions such as staff/employees, community/society and environment. Some of the companies are more responsive to some specific areas compared to the rest, but in general all of them deal with CSR issues.Usually Canadian companies operating in Albania have well established the CSR practices in their development strategy based on the best practice from their mother companies as well as business enabling environment in our country. Almost all companies are members of different business’ associations active in the country. One of the gaps noticed was the fact that the companies usually do not draft and publish any annual report related to companies operations and CSR policy.The report also brings about best practices such as Titan Group Professional Schools of Thumana or Bankers Petroleum Albania Ltd Agricultural Support Initiative
Partner: Irena Gribizi IFC