May 25, 2023
May 31, 2023

Project Background: The Advisory Facility for the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Crisis Mitigation in the agriculture, tourism and others (mainly manufacturing and retail). Assessment of business needs, incl., risk analysis, for up to 60 MSMEs; Tourism & Agriculture activities. Increasing involvement of emigrants through VET support.
Objective: Offering training & Coaching for MSMEs in selected sectors of such MSMEs in agriculture, tourism and others (mainly manufacturing and retail) in these main areas: Product development, human resources, marketing and / or sales mechanism, new markets, innovation and technology, quality management, including standards and certification, financial management, others. The coaching service also includes advise on the access to finance for the coaches. Designed training material and delivered training to group of 30 coaches for coaching assignments.

Conduct of Assessment of business needs, incl., risk analysis, for up to 80 MSMEs Designed Tailor-made projects for coaching and advisory on individual business level. Identifying and coaching companies dealing with digital technologies.

Tourism activities – Rural Tourism and Development, Value Chains of Tourism,Agrotourism. Managements of guesthouses, campsites, registered tour operators, restaurants or other touristic activities. Agriculture activities – Productions, collections, processing, Innovation and technology, production, Marketing of Agricultural products, Agricultural products development. Retail and manufacturing activities – clothing and accessory shops, food and beverage stores, producers of textiles and clothing, handicraft businesses, etc.