EU- Innovation Systems in Yachting Sector
March 13, 2018
March 21, 2018

Project: Entrepreneurial Network of Growth Initiatives for New Entrepreneurs,
Year: 2018-2019
Program: EU – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

    1. Confindustria Ancona (CA) ITALY
      Via Ing. Roberto Bianchi – Ancona 60131
      [email protected]
    2. Oü Turundusproff – Marketingi Instituut Estonia (Mi) ESTONIA
      Peterburi tee 2f, Tallinn 11415
      [email protected]
    3. Asociacion De Empresarios Textiles De La Region Valenciana (Ateval) SPAIN
      C/Dels Telers, Ontinyent – 46870
      [email protected]
    4. Istanbul Mineral and Metals (IKMIB) TURKEY
      Dış Ticaret Kompleksi A-Blok Kat:2 AB Şubesi Çobançeşme Mevkii Sanayi Cad.
      Yenibosna/Bahçelievler Istanbul – 34197
      [email protected]
    5. Lithuanian Employers’ Confederation (LTDK) LITHUANIA
      Algirdo 31, Vilnius – 3219
      [email protected]
    6. Regional Development Agency of Tirana (RDA) ALBANIA
      Rruga Ismail Qemali, Pall 34/1, Ap 10 Tirana – 1001
      [email protected]
      Street Calea Chisinaului no.57 Iasi city 700179
      [email protected]

ENGI4NE-2 aims both at: supporting new entrepreneurs (NEs) with a clear business
idea to start up or grow their business; involve local host entrepreneurs (HE) to explore
new possible opportunities and get to know different business realities thanks to the
presence of an NE in their company.
The general objective of this project consists of offering, from one side, to NEs with
fresh ideas but lacking entrepreneurial experience an enriching mentoring and coaching
on-the-job, while bringing new skills and innovative ideas to experienced entrepreneurs.
All partners of the project will though encourage the establishment of transnational
business networks. A minimum of 126 exchanges will be done among new and
experiences entrepreneurs, involving atleast 75 new entrepreneurs and 51 established
entrepreneurs per total in successful relationships.
The consortium is geographically heterogeneous thus ensuring a good coverage of
attractive destinations for NEs and the presence of Albania and Turkey as non-EU
country will actively contribute to the achievement of the objectives.
The involvement of entrepreneurs will be ensured by continuous promotion activities
through: dedicated events, media coverage, infodays, promotion of the program in events
organized by other institutions but of relevance for the project, one-to-one meetings with
entrepreneurs, success stories publication and a social media strategy.
Moreover, the physical presence of EYE Desks in partners’ premises with a dedicated
human resource ready to answer questions on the program by phone, email, skype will
allow quick communication and the build of trust among local stakeholders, allowing
IOs to become point of reference for such program locally.

The context of the project is the exchange of competences between new entrepreneurs
aged 18-40 (NE) with a clear business idea to start up or grow their business and local
host entrepreneurs (HE) that want to explore new possible opportunities and get to new
different business realities.The job of an intermediary organization (IO) is to make the
exchange possible and fruitful, pursuing the following specific objectives:

      • To guide NEs on the objectives of the EYE program and see if this is the right one to
        carry on their project – in case they are looking for an internship redirect them to relevant
        organizations and EU programs;
      • To encourage HEs in taking part to the program and understand the added value of their

To strengthen capacities of NEs and help them developing their business idea, help HEs
to expand or renew their business, and promote multicultural working environment
among NEs and HEs.
To raise awareness on the program among local stakeholders and become true Help
Desks for the EYE program locally