Njoftim – IPARD Thirrja e Re
December 11, 2020
May 25, 2023

Project: Inclusive Edu Jobs
Background of the Project; Improvement of the inclusion of roman women and men, boys and girls from Egyptian communities in Albania through strengthening municipal capacities to establish and deliver inclusive services to citizens in the area of employment and inclusive education. “Inclusive Edu Jobs” is a project funded by the European Union and the expected project impact is improved labour market access and educational inclusion and enhanced workers’ rights and women’s rights of the Roman and Egyptian minorities through context-relevant employment, self-employment, and inclusive education models, designed in a participatory way by directly involving Roman and Egyptian lead CSOs, relevant government agencies, and the municipalities. The specific objectives (Outcomes) of this contract are as follows:

Increase self-employment opportunities for Roma and Egyptian communities
and narrow the employment gap through piloting and testing of innovative
business models.
This consultancy will contribute in achievement of the Outcome 1 of the Project related to the sub-component: Self-employment and this will be achieved by facilitating the horizontal and vertical communication and cooperation of stakeholders, including the target groups, at the local level, and implementing innovative tools, for increasing employment and vocational training opportunities, improving access to basic social services, strengthening capacity, and establishing supportive mechanisms for those who live under severe circumstances. In the long term, this aims to elevate Roma and Egyptian families’ poverty and support their sustainable inclusion in the Albanian
society and labor market.
The objective of this assignment is supporting the development of self-employment and
new business ideas and the expected outputs of this contract are as follows:
 Output 1 to Outcome 1: Business Plans
 Output 2 to Outcome 1: Business administrative documents
 Output 3 to Outcome 1: Training modules and presentations

Through the training event presented on flipchart