New Modern Parking System

March 8, 2018
CDG (Carl Duisberg Gesellshaft), Germany
March 13, 2018

Project: New Modern Parking System in Elbasan city.

Year:               July 2014-May 2015

Program:         Public Private Partnerships supported by Assist Impact USAID

Introduction:   Local governments in Albania are discovering new ways to meet the continually growing demand for service improvements expected by their citizens. LGU-s see as well that are limited funds to meet citizen needs , therefore new approaches to addressing these problems that involve exploration of alternative financing mechanism and collaboration among an increasing number of stakeholders are optimist options such as  Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Involving private sector to cooperate based on feasible projects will be definitely a new focus for municipalities.

The objectives of the Municipality of Elbasan are to (i) improve the parking and traffic situation in the city; (ii) facilitate business operations for major service providers in Elbasan including hotels, restaurants, travel/tourist agencies etc; (iii) stimulate reduced use of vehicles for purposes of reducing the air and noise pollution in the city

Tirana RDA through the feasibility study and other project phases will provide flexible solutions and innovative recommendations for the Elbasani Municipality and its citizens to enhance financing, operating, and maximizing the value of parking facilities and improve returns. Understanding the complexity of the process Tirana RDA will apply combination of parking industry expertise with community relations to form a strong PPP. We will analyze possible scenarios, identify solutions and execute strategies to attain long term parking goals with sensitivity to community needs and concerns

Work Methodology: The methodology will encompass the following work stream phases:

Engagement: It concludes with a signed Statement of contract and a detailed plan for starting.

Mobilize: addresses planning and set up activities, concludes with plans to run the engagement.

Plan: includes the activities necessary to review, make final updates and baseline plans prior to full engagement execution.

Execute and Control: involves the engagement management tracking and updating that takes place while the majority of the phases are being performed.

Close: involves those activities necessary to complete knowledge transfer and to close and complete an engagement. This phase includes final acceptance of the solution and deliverables by the client.