Eu Phare
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

Project: Training program and technical assistance for SME-s in Albania
Objective:The program was designed in a way that training courses combined with consulting sessions organized from RDA network had the objective to stimulate the entrepreneurship, SME creation, marketing, management in the RDA-s area. Each of the new potential entrepreneurs was able to write Business Plans aiming their financing via DEG credit line.
Project Implementation: In the courses of 1998-99, supported by the GTZ project, the RDA and its network have trained over 2,500 people throughout Albania. In this frame more than 240 businesspersons have had the opportunity to train overseas in co-operation with RDA partnership organizations GTZ in Germany, ILO in Turin-Italy and EOMMEX in Athens, Greece.
Partners: RDA Network