ILTIS GbmH Germany

21 Mars, 2018
21 Mars, 2018

Project: Process Performance Change Program” in Balkan Countries

Year: 2005


Establishing bilateral co-operations in the region and/or the European Union:

First phase: Implementation of PPC II – Enhancing core competencies and internal processes of companies.

Second phase (planned for 2005): Realization of co-operations with German companies – Presentation of products and services at a German Trade Fair (e.g. in Hannover, Berlin, Stuttgart, Munich) and/or participation at a business co-operation event in Germany.

Training of Albanian SMEs how to implement change processes efficiently and how to establish an individual project management system.

Providing special knowledge and information which is necessary for starting or enhancing foreign business.

Benefits for companies

Identifying potential

The PPC workshops provide instruments to analyze business processes and to identify the potential for increasing competitiveness and improving general performance.

Making use of expertise

German and local experts from the PPC Program support the companies with their knowledge and experience to identify the best ideas, to develop an individual strategy and – most important – to successfully implement this strategy.

Achieving goals

The PPC experts support the participants from the very beginning, during the course of the project until the successful implementation is completed.

Internalizing Know-how

The knowledge and experience gained through the program stays within the companies. They internalize it, so it will be available in the future whenever they need it.

Partners:ILTIS GmbH (Rottenburg) by order of InWEnt gGmbH (Cologne) in co-operation with the Regional Development Agency (RDA) of Tirana